October 2023
Mandating users of e-bike and e-scooters to have a Driving Licence is detrimental to the sector, Europe’s climate ambition, does not result in safety gains and would harm the freedom of movement as many users rely on shared micro-mobility as a way to commute.
Shared micro-mobility services offer alternatives to private car ownership for persons that want to diversify their mobility patterns and use sustainable modes that occupy less urban space. In addition, shared mobility empowers citizens to move across urban areas without the need of obtaining a driving licence.
Micro-mobility can act as last mile connection to increase the reach of public transport – adding a driving licence would be a barrier to this extended reach and would restrict accessibility to public transport and overall connectivity. Moreover, obtaining driving licences results in significant costs, which especially young users may not be able to afford. Mandating driving licences would therefore reduce the mobility options available.
Shared e-scooters and e-bikes have a maximum speed of 20 or 25 km/h in the EU, which is lower than other means of transport and already one of the few transport modes that have a speed limit that users cannot exceed, unlike bicycles or cars. Operators of shared micro-mobility are already constantly working towards educating users by working together with cities, launching individual campaigns or online courses.
Strengthening cities’ mobility portfolio by improving public transport and seizing the opportunities of shared mobility is a crucial element for cities to reach their climate ambitions. At the same time, shared mobility requires less space, energy, raw materials and therefore contributes to reducing air pollution and emissions (Clean Cities Campaign 2023).
Micro-Mobility for Europe welcomes efforts that update training and testing requirements especially for drivers of cars with the goal of raising awareness and attention to the road safety needs of vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists and users of micro- mobility devices. Improving safety in urban areas requires investments in infrastructure, speed limits and enforcement of rules.